Dream a Lil' Dream of Me

{2011/09/28}   doctor visit

the comic strip is kind of funny and not funny.

Went back for my quarterly check up at KTPH with Prof Raja. He gave me 2 pieces of news:-

  1. he met a dr from korea, seoul, and from the results observed, she is very good with cushing patients. so if need, i can fly there for surgery. i said, “i don’t mind gg for holiday instead though”. my thoughts were, “it’s gg to cost me a bomb! at the rate i’m getting my pay, forget it”
  2. relating to the comic strip above, there is a new mtd of treating – by injection. it’s not a one-time off. it’s MONTHLY! and it cost approx $3.5k per jab. cost > monthly pay. fantastic. anw, it’s new so he need to apply trial for me. then everything will be FREE. in other words, i’ll be a guinea pig or lab rat.
To clear the air, i don’t don’t like Prof. He’s a amazing doctor. Together with Dr Loh LM (from SGH), i think they are the most wonderful doctors i’ve ever met.
Prof told the MOs who were there that i am a workaholic. i went =.= and wondered where he even get the idea from. and i thought it must be from the fully-packed-with-schedule organiser he saw previously. he even told them abt the book that i am gg to write (or rather, suppose to write) of my experience with this disease. ohmygawd de faint. he is really serious abt it! looks like i really need to start writing alr.

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