Dream a Lil' Dream of Me

{2011/10/31}   Halloween


Halloween party at TAB yesterday was ultimate. From being fearsome of all the spooky stuffs in the past, from thinking that it was lame to dress up for such a thing, i am finding fun in it. i am enjoying it now. well, ppl do change after time. Many ❤ to the ppl who went with me! 🙂 I shant comment much and let the photos do the job. 🙂

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Halloween with the children in KidsRead today. They are so the adorable! 🙂 their echoes of my name when i went into the dance room was nostalgic. oh mans. i seriously ❤ them. but one request, can they be not be so mischievous?

I hope the trip to watch Disney on Ice @ MBS wld be cfm soon. Cross my fingers and hope Mark wld be able to get it settled asap. 

{2011/10/30}   Last Busy weekend

weekend was really packed. YOUths Care @ PAYM with my fellow YECs, Lion King with Wuan, and dinner and movie with JT.


YOUths Care @ PAYM: Green Xchange. The very first event for the new term. I hope i have less blunders with experience. 

Lion King was amazing! i was totally awed!

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Thought Ling Musafa is “manly” with his build and deep voice. Simba is cute. Nala is pretty. TImon and Pumba are funny! The cast is really good. the props, needless to say, are “wow”. the feeling is indescribable. 

Met JT for dinner and movie. He is pretty nice. and it wasnt as awkward as what i fear to be. 🙂 Anw, the movie we caught  – One Day.



Thought the movie is pretty nice too. But i dont like the twist in the ending. it makes me feel sad. like what JT said, life is short. and for every opportunity that comes by, grab it. 

{2011/10/21}   Protected: awkwardness

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{2011/10/18}   Monday no blues

i always seem to be late in posting. 

it was pretty amazing. hardly any blues on a typical monday ytd. happy 🙂 had a pretty interesting day. and the evening went well for Yang’s birthday celebration with her sister and brother and Mr Ong. LOL.  Once again, Happy Brithday Yang Hong! 祝你天天开心,健康,还有越来越美丽!心想事成!<3

{2011/10/16}   Protected: 惨了

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{2011/10/16}   哇!


{2011/10/12}   3 consecutive bad days

bad day

Seems like it’s a bad week to start with. can i just stay home for the rest of this week?


On my way to work and it was drizzling. this idiotic dark red Mitsubishi car owner drove the car so fast and splashed the water all over me. i was half drenched. why the other cars drive slowly no issue you must drive so fast?


Took a cab to rush for tuition after coaching Shafika privately after Project STOMP. by the time i sent her home (becuz her mum cldn’t wait for long), it was ard 2010 hr and my tuition was 2030 hr. i thought i did something nice and was very happy. who knows the car behind the cab (i dont know what happened) decided to kiss the cab. the impact caused me to be jerked in front and smartly, i used my left hand to hold the front seat and prevent myself from moving anymore forward. and my arm ached from the impact. i was in a state of shock. and flashbacks of what happened when i was 18 came back to me. i had fractured my left wrist when i used my left hand to break my fall when i was ice skating then. anw, a lot of “hu-ha” carried on b/w the taxi driver and the lady driver of the car behind. in my rush for tuition, i was almost to be late again. lagi best. i hope they wont get into any legal case and get me involved. 


Worst meeting i’ve ever attended. why they so fierce one? i nv offend any of them before leh. especially one of them, an old auntie keep giving me the black face. stare at me as if i owe her sth liddat. the atmosphere was scary. you hear ppl shouting at one another. got things cannot say nicely one meh? now all the arrows come come. i scared scared. why jeecheng? why you so nice and so easy to bully? i guess it’s time i learn to fend for myself alr. and let them know i am no pushover. and i can get things done. the first thing i am gg to do is to make sure my first event on 22/10 will go smoothly and successfully. 지챙, がんばって!!! 

{2011/10/10}   Real Steel


First time to Shaw Cinema at Lido. The place looks gorgeous after the renovation! and we caught this late night movie: 

This is awesome! totally awesome! very very well filmed. 

It’s not just the actions. it’s the emotions you can feel from the movie. the purity and innocence of a child. the yearning. it teaches to fight for your believes. it teaches to not give up easily. it teaches to treasure what you have. 

Thanks YM, SC and HN for catching it with me 🙂 

On a side note, i doubt i’ll ever patronize Medz again. Marche is still much better. 

Quote from Steve Jobs

i was in the train on my way to work when i read the piece of news that announced that Steve Job has passed away yesterday, it came as a shock. i knew he was battling with cancer. his cancer had recurred. but the news still came too sudden. i felt my eyes misting. i do not know him personally and i cldnt explain my sudden surge of emotions. i just knew i felt sad. felt sorry. at the age of 56, he shld be enjoying retirement soon. basking from the sales from his APPLE products. especially with the newly launched iphone 4S the day before. what will happen to the APPLE market now?

my years of studies in RMIT doing my business degree, i’ve learnt much abt him. much abt his creativity. much of the strategies that he had used to market APPLE products. he was really brilliant. a visionary and a genius said by many others. in almost all of the 6 semesters of school for my business course, i have either him or APPLE Inc in my notes, textbooks, references, assignments for at least 1 module per semester. one strategic management he used is the blue ocean tactic. (ok i shan’t go into the books). 

i have grown to respect him. to admire him. Mr Steve Jobs, may you rest in peace. 

Below is a video clip of him speaking at Stanford Commencement in 2005. where he speaks of death.

“If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you’ll most certainly be right.”  and yeah, the quote is damn right. no one can ever escape from the same phenomenon. not even the genius who has created so many wonderful products with the technology advancement. i have met a girl who was next to me in the hospital in the same ward last year. i just had my operation and she was there because of her headache from brain cancer. she was blind then. but that was also caused by the cancer. she was the same age as me. looking at her, i’ve considered myself to be relatively luckier. at least the tumor they found was non-cancerous. a simple surgery could have cured me. but who wld have guess? it wasnt cleanly removed. but at least, i am still kicking and alive. she was not as fortunate. the last i heard, she had passed away. death has robbed another young life away. it does not match Job’s quote of clearing out the old. Jobs ain’t very old either. why him? do all geniuses die young?  

Quoting from him, “No one wants to die. Even people who wants to go to heaven don’t want to die to get there. and yet, death is a destination on one has ever escaped. and that is as it shld be. cos death is the single best invention of life becuz it clears out the old and make way for the new. So have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. they somehow alr know what you truly wants to become. the rest are secondary.” 

my heart tells me teaching is the career for me. but why moe no want me? 😦 with my condition like this, will i have the chance to do what i want to do? i am afraid too. where one day, death comes to take me away. given’s life unpredictability, i dont even dare t think abt it. pls, pls, let me live heathily. let me be able to fulfil whatever i need to fulfil. hopefully, my heart and intuition will guide the way cuz i really have no idea now. at times, i feel really lost.

but nonetheless, i will take his piece of advice. 

{2011/10/03}   love-hate relationship

love-hate r/s with mosquitoes

yeah. it’s love-hate relationship with… MOSQUITOES! 

they love me. i hate them. period. not that i am diabetic. but they still suck my blood. blood suckers, go find another prey. 

et cetera