Dream a Lil' Dream of Me

{2011/10/01}   catch up with xiao yun + ramblings

hvt seen or catch up for xiao yun for abt a year. after the notification that she has xms, we started msg-ing each other again and arranged to meet up today (after the missed meet up 2 weeks back). refreshed our JC days and realised both of us didnt like our class. no fantastic memory of our class. i rmb i hated some people. till date, whenever i hear the name, i’ll still roll my eyes and snort. but certain things do remains memorable.

i rmb i was mr fong’s “fave” student becuz i was really lousy at physics. he nv fail to pick me to ans questions, which, i hardly get correct. but he was patient enough to coach me through. always look for him and ms faizah during the study period for extra coaching. was really happy when i got an ‘A’ for math during my ‘A’s. the rest of the subjects were disappointing. nonetheless, my physics did improve. i no longer fail the subject (as i have been doing for the entire past 2 years). 

i rmb studying for exams in the LTs and the classrooms. we’ll blast songs from our mp3 players on the loudspeakers. those were the school days that i dearly miss.

we caught up on what we had missed out in each other life so far. have to say that alot of things sure have changed while some nv change at all.

time really flies. i am pretty tired of what is going on right now. with all the politics that is happening. and many ppl telling me different version of stories. people bad-mouthing people. have lost some trust along the way. i still feel pretty upset whenever i think abt it and i shld have got over it but somehow, i still cant. torturing.  and now i’m stuck. with 2 positions in 2 organisation that requires me to lead. i used to love gg for YEC. it was fun. it was enjoyable. the people there are like so funny. now, i have to think twice abt it. the only thing that is pulling me through is the children in the program that we are doing for them. i just want to play a part in making a difference to the lives of these children. i dont need all these position or name or recognition. people congratulate me as if it is a very good thing. and i have to force on a smile and say thanks. there are many a time that i want to give up the position, many a times when i want to find a job that requires me to work abroad. so that i can run away from all these. let somebody else take over. then i thought of the people who had so much faith in me. then i tell myself i wld be letting them down if i just quit. just thinking about these things give me terrible headache. 

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