Dream a Lil' Dream of Me

{2011/12/25}   this christmas


had a great X’mas eve! 🙂 

but somehow, today, i dont have the xmas mood at all.

mood totally spoilt  😦

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{2011/12/20}   nightmare

had a very weird nightmare last night. dreamt that some of my friends turned into monster with 4 sharp teeth and a yellow colour  hollow teeth in the middle. and they started eating ppl. wrong, they simply just suck them in and swallow them into their stomach with no traces left and i was desperately trying to stop them. 

i cant figure out why i have such a weird dream. it was scary. and i woke up feeling even more tired. and oh, the monsters are not like the one depicted above. they were scary. and ugly. 

Dear friend, i do not know what exactly happened but i am sure for every reason that makes you feel down, there are more reasons for you to be happy…

and with that, i hope, that you will feel better soon.. 

{2011/12/15}   happening thursday

Today has indeed been eventful. Note the many things that could have hit the headlines. Or perhaps, today i just happened to be on the ball to receive these “exciting” news.

1) the aaron tan saga. apparently, a 14 year old boy hit on his ex-girlfriend and he “bo-song” which caused him to post a video online trying to threaten the 14 year old boy. mr brown retweeted: “I forgot aaron tan is 18. Good news: you won’t be going to Boy’s Home for your threats. Bad news: you qualify for prison.” i laughed till peng can. and of all people, he wants to learn from Steven Lim can! SERIOUSLY!! this is bad. very bad!!! 

i mean seriously, in the video you (aaron tan), was criticising on how childish and immature the 14-year old boy is. How come he doesn’t see his actions as being immature as well? i call that the 死要面子。Seriously, he will grow to regret this. the video is spreading rampantly throughout the internet. overnight famous already. 有句名言说:“ 好事不出门,坏事传迁离”。good luck to this aaron guy. i hope he wakes up and hello! GROW UP! like seriously!

2) Service disruption on the North-South MRT line

news #2 is bad. and is super the bad. taxi price on the rise for 2 major taxi companies – Comfort Delgro and SMRT. then disruption for SMRT train. Disruption in Circle Line yesterday and NSL today. WIN. Seriously, is SMRT trying  to boost their taxi’s business with all these disruptions? I am giving them the benefit of doubt. and hopefully, they do deserve my trust in them. 

commuters were stuck in the immobile trains. and there were black out in some. the train window was smashed by a commuter. because there was hardly any ventilation in the train. i really hope that their service would improve soon. 

think i am considered lucky to have missed the over crowded train because i wasn’t able to squeeze in. else, i dont know what time i’d be stuck in. chose to give up waiting for the train after waiting for about 20 minutes after i missed the first train. and went to take a bus with seo.  indeed the bus was much faster than the train!

3) watched The Muppets. it was so funny i cldn’t help grinning to myself throughout the movie. reminds me of my childhood days. when things were much simpler. My fave muppet song from young: RainBow Connection. 

oh, sesames street! 

on a side note, i hope jasmine is feeling better. although i do not know what is happening or has happened. i hope she feels better now. or at least, speak to us. jasmine, if you’re reading this, know one thing. that is, no matter what, you still have us – me and seo. take care girl.

Who says English songs now are all about sex and vulgarities? 


and i like this song 🙂 

因为那两个瓜在 meeting 的时候唱,这首歌一直在我脑海里播着。

这是 《一泡而红》的 插曲。之前,为这部戏做了介绍。今天又回想起这部戏。真的好好笑!et 和 kx 真的实在是非常的搞笑。。。怎么感觉好像又看了这部戏多一次?

ps. 以下的主题曲 《谢谢你让我等于你》也好好听喔!

{2011/12/08}   傻笑


{2011/12/04}   he spoilt my day

still very affected by what happened this afternoon. *upset* 

{2011/12/03}   一泡而红

和 ET 去看这部戏,只有一个字形容:赞!也有好喜欢的几句台词,列如:

“阿娇姐姐,你的志愿是做电视机,不是卖电视机 leh”, 

“给你,free 的。”


阿盛:“我跟你一样,都是飘洋过海来到新加坡。” 阿娇:“哦,我是坐 bus 的,不过也算是过海啦,因为有过那个 causeway。” +super classic ‘hehh” expression.

还有 “他们不找你当女主角,没关系!如果你愿意的话,你可以当我生命中的女主角;随时都可以NG 或重来,但永远都不会喊CUT。” -> 还真觉得,这句话特别的感人









当阿娇第一次出现在咖啡店时,阿盛原本平静的心,泛起了阵阵的涟漪。一向厚颜的他,因为堕入了爱河而突然变得羞涩。他对阿娇所说的第一句话是:“咖啡乌,不要加糖。” 这就是他独特方式,总是知道阿娇要什么,不需要阿娇说任何话,他已能理解她的愿望和梦想。他们俩,共谱了一段浪漫的恋爱曲,携手朝向彼此的梦想迈进。。。爱情的甜蜜,敌不过生活残酷的苦与辣。他们的爱情是否能有个圆满的结局?




et cetera