Dream a Lil' Dream of Me

{2012/01/31}   早已应该离开


{2012/01/23}   大年初一

A klutz on the first day of CNY. Dropped by bronzer and it turned into powder form immediately. Ate satay and it was so hard and difficult to pull out that the curry shot out all over the floor. FML. totally embarrassing.


Other than that, it’s the same old same old routine where i sat in the living room like a vase, together with my siblings. 除了不用上班以外,过年好像失去了意义。还是,从来就不曾有任何意义。

唯一不同的,就是 midnight movie with some friends 🙂 

{2012/01/15}   I Am Back!

As suggested, i am back from Taipei and Phuket! As mentioned by my sister, traveling is addictive. i feel like traveling again! 

Love the cooling weather in Taipei. Love the sun, sand and sea at Phuket. 

Aww… Wish my trip was longer! 

{2012/01/08}   First time flying

this is the feelings i have for this trip. mix feelings. or i thought i had none. 

excitement.numbness.舍不得. (especially pluto)

ok. i need to sleep. flight at 0720!

{2012/01/08}   不想听,不想说



{2012/01/04}   天下无不散之宴席



我不想强迫任何人。但其中之一好像已做了决定。我好像无法留他了。 他告诉我,我必须学着放下,也再次提醒我,我们也只是仪工。虽然依依不舍的,也只好祝福他,让他离开了。

{2012/01/03}   2012

Happy 2012! Seriously, time flies. i can still remember counting down at Marina Bay in 2010 to 2011 with seo. it was just like it happened yesterday. the fireworks were stunning. they were impressive. oh, i love fireworks. i have learnt to appreciate them over the years. and i seem to be liking them even more as time goes by. 

didnt really have the time to blog since x’mas because i was busy, unsure with what though. so many things seems to be happening. perhaps not. perhaps it was just me trying to do everything together. and now 2012 is here. counted down with random friends on nye at vivocity. not the best option though there are sure many fireworks to be seen. although i am not a christian, xmas and new year are the two festive period that i actually celebrate. other than that, i think it’s CNY and mid-autumn. 

the unlucky year fro the rabbits is almost over. hopefully the dragon year will bring us much luck, fortune, good health, love and joy. 

new year. new beginnings. new resolutions.

i dont have a habit of making resolutions. but will try to make some this year.

Resolution #1: To make resolution this year.  – checked √

Resolution #2: To rmb to take my medications on time (minus 03/01 -> because i forgot today)

Resolution #3: To be able to at least hold a small/short conversation in korean (am alr learning it 🙂 )

Resolution #4: To have a white christmas in Korea (or anywhere that has snow, but Korea preferably)

Resolution #5: To pick up Hainanese. it’s embarrassing i cant even speak my own native language

Resolution #6: To continue my dance classes (and perhaps, learn more dances or yoga if time and financial status permits)

Resolution #7: To manage my finance records properly again

Resolution #8: To pick up a sport – any kind (ranging from tennis to table tennis to badminton to running to swimming…)

Resolution #9: To have more self time and family time

Watched New Year Eve. they say everyone deserves a second chance. let bygones be bygones. but some people i’d have to say, doesn’t deserve them at all. and for those who have been given a second chance, do they deserve a 3rd or more chances? just some random thoughts.

apologies if this post doesnt make much sense or has no flow. my thoughts are everywhere.

et cetera