Dream a Lil' Dream of Me

{2012/02/17}   freedom


i have gained my freedom from work with two days notice.


yes. now, i am unemployed. to look for a better job. i feel my mood lifting 🙂

A geeky/mathematical method of expressing ❤ wishes on V Day! 🙂

Google (sqrt(cos(x))*cos(300x)+sqrt(abs(x))-0.7)*(4-x*x)^0.01, sqrt(6-x^2), -sqrt(6-x^2) from -4.5 to 4.5 and you’ll get it! 🙂

Happy Valentine’s Day!


Credits to sugi for “enlightening” us with the equation! Thank you! 🙂

{2012/02/11}   害怕


Pls not let it be the symptoms returning. maybe i am really just stressed. no. i am not gg to think so much. 

{2012/02/06}   CNY Reception at Istana

Was informed that i only have BH for company to go to this event and i cannot nominate another person from my yec to go. in the end, it turned out that i can nominate 4 others to go for the Garden Party the day before. similar to the one i went last year. ohwells. 

Alas, it wasn’t that bad. BH was quite good company. REALLY FUNNY! and we saw more familiar faces there. made some new friends too 🙂 

{2012/02/05}   being thankful for..

despite my emo-ness. and the building stress level. and no matter how bad the work situation can get. i am really thankful for my family and my friends. for their non-stop concern and advice. for the love they gave. for letting me forget. for cheering me up. for providing me solutions. for making me simply happy. 

Sincere thanks to those who made it to the Annual Lunar New Year Potluck at my home 🙂 the third year running so far 🙂 I am always happy to have friends over. 让家里热闹一些。忙了一天,我晚上也容易入眠。奇迹在,我昨晚没做恶梦。:) 

my parents 也很 happy 地一起招待我的朋友。我对父母亲,也有无字能形容的感恩。

{2012/02/02}   i really have no idea

i dont know how. i dont know how to ask my boss for my pay.

et cetera