Dream a Lil' Dream of Me

{2012/03/31}   TP GRC YEC Teambuilding

My team mates for the paintball teambuilding! 

Paintball was much more fun than I thought it’d be, especially after much warning abt it being a terribly painful game which i blur-ly agreed to go for. Indeed, the bruise that i got on my arm was painful but.. No regrets gg for it 🙂

went for a drink @ HV after the BBQ after the paintball. cant believe how these guys made me drink! bully mmeeee! 😦

but i’m sure looking forward to hanging out with them more in the future. they are sure a joyful and enthusiastic bunch of ppl 🙂

{2012/03/30}   Impromptu K Session

That was really impromptu! Haha! Thanks PH for the free KTV session at Temasek Club! 

It was defo a good one after so many months! I miss K-ing!! 

{2012/03/27}   Powerpuff girls at work

my new nickname at office is Bubbles. I dont know how i got it. All thanks to Buttercup. 

now, where is Blossom? LOL.

{2012/03/25}   Community Lunch

me and my crazy ideas. even got the advisor to lie down on the floor to take photo with us. what did i just do? LOL. (see photo)

but i’m really glad everything turned out well! 🙂

Thank you Mrs Gopal for believing in us. Thank you QTSS Wushu Club for the performance and help during the lunch! 🙂 

Last but not least, my dearest QT YEC team who are always there! You guys believe in me when I didn’t and supported me throughout. Thank you for supporting me for the past few months ever since i was made the chairperson. Thank you for helping me out with all the events and stuff!  YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST AND THE MOST AWESOME!! 🙂 i really heart all of you!

QT YEC with Dr Chia after the event

{2012/03/22}   Banana in Pajamas
I think i spotted a lookalike to the above.
I know I’m bad, but i can’t help it. 

It’s really hilarious! 

Had our YEC teambuilding today. our very own version of Running Man (adapted from the Korean Variety Show). All thanks to Yang Hong, David and Seo! Really had much fun although we did have some grumbling.

Thanks to all who were able to make it. thanks to HY and KX who made it to the lunch. Really felt that we were closer than before. Even CA dare to make fun of me liao. tsk.tsk. jeffrey and RS seems to be bad influence! sian diao but on the good side, means he has open up! YAY! even Khuzaiffah and Bee Choo and Julia seems to talk more 🙂

Happy. Happy. 🙂


{2012/03/08}   残酷的时间

妈妈乌黑的头发,到底何时开始隐藏了这么多白发?爸爸走路时,又何时开始辛苦了? 虽然已发现了一段时间,但每当目光落到了妈妈的白发,爸爸的走路的身段,伤感总是特别的强烈。而我呢,也一天一天的长大。却不知我曾为他们做了些什么。也不知,要怎么才能让他们因为我而感到骄傲。

et cetera