Dream a Lil' Dream of Me

i am so very the excited! so many upcoming plans for YEC.

Prawning, HK trip, the GRC event, Youth Concert, National Day plans with LKCC YEC 🙂

and thanks to this primary school mate, we might just set up a band ig in QT YEC! woo-hoo! and my korean dance ig. (okok..i will hold a meeting real soon!) and looking at the possibility to restart kidsread 🙂 🙂 🙂 ❤

{2012/04/28}   i will miss you

听 Buttercup 讲了一些话,如果他真的离开。我会很想他。

那时侯,就没有人会逗我笑,陪我开冷笑话了 😦

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movies.. the getaway moments.. the stress-reliver.. during happy times. during bad times. during bored times. during strssed times.  the thing that i always wanna do whenever i feel stressed. whenever i felt like i didnt have much of a life anymore. something that i always enjoy. today is another of such day when i felt that i needa catch a movie badly. it was pretty simple to choose one as there were many i wanted to catch. thankfully, i managed to catch seo for it 🙂

the movie was pretty good. though it wasnt as fantastic as i thought it’s be. so most probably a 3/5.

DANCING. dance dance dance away…

and in this movie, we saw the fusion of B Boys Street Dance and Salsa Latin Dance. A pretty interesting mix. and i suddenly feel like picking back salsa all over again. on top of my current interest in korean hip hop dances. 


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{2012/04/14}   ^^

Received an awesome news today which i can’t even believe myself! 

QT YEC is shortlisted as the top 35 YEC in Singapore! How cool is that! Defo alot of efforts from my fellow YEC mates! You guys rock totally! Kudos to all of us – 18th + 19th term!! 🙂 

et cetera