Dream a Lil' Dream of Me


Time flies.. pretty much quickly. Realised i have several draft posts, but nah. doubt i’ll be posting them. 


All in all, 2012 has been a … i don’t know. not too bad year. not fantastic either. but i guess i shld be content. 

In Summary… 

Jobs – Have hopped 3 jobs within the year. Left Esthetix because I wasn’t receiving my pay. Still owes me till now. From there, I learnt not to be so dumb. Moved on to eGuardian quickly even without going through much consideration because I needed $$ badly then. Jumped even it was a sales job, something I told myself I will not do. Arh – my desperation then. Best is it was IT line, which i was totally clueless. Gave myself 3 months to adapt but chose to leave when there was a change in the management. Thought they were being absurd and I chose to leave without guarantee of another job. Tried applying with MOE again but still didn’t manage to get in. 😦 Went for a few other interviews and it was between StarHub and MDIS. After much consideration, it was MDIS in the end because it was darn near home. I don’t want another far-away job location. Blessed I may be, I have really lovely colleagues despite all the terrible working conditions. So i shld be content 🙂


Health – It has been the same since the last operation. I wish I could be better. But I guess I shld be thankful that i’m not worse. Can a miracle just happen? 


Dance – Thankful for a dear friend, I started dancing again 🙂 Even despite my doctor’s worry about me over-exerting myself, I’m glad I’m back to dancing. Korean Hip Hop wasn’t what i had in mind initially but it was good, and soon, I was loving it. What makes it better was the first opportunity to perform at the school’s concert. Things changed then. We found a group of people who are as passionate as us. Our frequent rehearsals bonded us together. Our common goal to dance well draws us together. And now, these people play a very impt role in my life. Thank you Simpletons. 


Life has its ups and downs. The sorrow and pain makes us appreciate the little joys in life. It makes us stronger. makes us braver. For all the lessons learned, i hope i am by now, smarter, better and stronger. So for 2012, I am thankful. 

May 2013 be a much better year, for myself, for my family and for my dear friends ~ 

et cetera