Dream a Lil' Dream of Me

{2013/03/24}   Till now..

a quarter gone

It’s already March 2013. A quarter of the year is almost gone.

And i asked myself. “What have i accomplished this year?”

Think I’ve work so much that I’m defying my own “work-life balance” motto. Recent lessons have taught me that it’s totally not worth it. Not in the kind of environment that I am in right now. everything is done without appreciation. and it comes expected. they can expect more of you but you cant expect more from them. even when you shld deserve it. and going the extra mile to be responsible gets you in deep shit. 


I need my life back. need more self time. need more family and friends time. and at the same time, maintain my other commitments. And I’m still thinking of picking up more things. or prolly try pilates. Am I able to do it? 

{2013/03/10}   Thoughts

不要想太多。。。 不要想太多。。。 不要想太多。。。 不要想太多。。。 不要想太多。。。 不要想太多。。。

et cetera