Dream a Lil' Dream of Me

{2013/04/07}   Books and Reads


It had been quite some time since i bought books to read. my hobbies of old. my loves and addiction. 

A random walk into the popular bookstore and i picked up the books. Have been craving for books for some weeks and guess it’s time to start reading again ~


Dragonswood – Typical fantasy book i like

Until I Say Goodbye – Encouraging books to pull me through. Which also reminds me that I havent exactly been keeping to my words to my doctor to keep a record of the difficult journey of my life ever since i was diagnosed with Cushing. I kind of just get frustrated at times. Get sick of having to return to the hospital every now and then. Sick of all the medical tests. sick of having to take medication everyday. 

Think and Make It Happen – A book i think i really need. i dont see my potentials. i need to start identifying them and make most of it.


Hwaiting Jee!


et cetera