Dream a Lil' Dream of Me

{2013/05/03}   Inception


Been having weird dreams recently. Some pretty interesting though. Like how i dreamt that one of my colleague got a boyfriend and the boyfriend actually send a chauffeur to pick her up after work. ” Wowww. That colleague will marry rich” was what came to my mind first when i woke up XD 

My dream last night was weird though. Dreamt that i was hanging out with some ppl. Many ppl were in the dream this time. Then somehow, my relatives and this person relatives are related. Somehow, making things complicated. It’s like so weird and I was telling myself in my dream. Then I woke up. 

No. I dreamt that I woke up. In that state, I was telling myself that the above dream seems so real. s very the real it’s scary. and i almost believed it. Then I realised in my dream itself, no. I am still asleep. And i really need to wake up. I think I tossed and turned before I finally woke up. And when I did, questions were running through my mind. All I could think of was “How weird”. “What the hell am I dreaming?” ” What really happened?” I definitely cannot make sense out of it. 

Such dream is tiring. and it spoils my sleep. hope i’ll be able to sleep well tonight >< 

et cetera