Dream a Lil' Dream of Me

{2014/02/09}   Hopeful


Maybe.. maybe, I’m wrong, and it’s probably just me thinking too much and it ain’t so bad after all. And things will be better. *cross fingers*


Change is the only constant.. People change, relationships change, mindset change, dynamics change.. nothing doesnt change.

I wonder what happened to the friendships. to the people whom i thought i could trust and rely on. i wonder who really cares. i wonder about those friendships that says that “we are still as close although we dont contact much”. how true is that? how true can that be? and when you try to pull these friends who seem so distant now back, they seem reluctant to. so i stop caring as well. as these goes on, my group of friends seem to grow smaller. friends whom i thought will last a lifetime. people seem to get more involved with the people they just know, forging new friendships rather than treasuring the old ones. i am tired. tired of having to forge new friendships. tired of changes. and tired of trying to get my old friends back. many times, i thought, i should just keep to myself. and people tend to disappoint me. to save myself from heartache and disappointment, should i just stop?

i hate changes in dynamics. nothing seem the same anymore. formation of smaller cliques within a big group of friends is normal. but its detrimental when they start naming themselves out as a group. other people will feel cut out. and drifting starts again.

Thank you girls  ❤ 🙂

Caught this movie and thought it’s pretty good 🙂

Ah wells, can say I’m biased towards korean and japanese movie. but i’ve always enjoyed them. sad thing is, they usually have a short life in cinemas. glad i managed to catch it ^^ 

See synopsis:-

“My Girlfriend Can See Ghosts is a Korean horror movie along with touch of comedy and romance. In the movie, Yu-ri (Son Ye-jin) got a unique ‘sense’ and that is the reason is unable to live a normal life or even think about dating anyone. But one fine day Jo-gu (Lee Min-Ki), a horror magician (with frail ‘guts’) was struck with a cupid arrow and fell for her.

Their sweet dating game turns into a sheer nightmare with ghosts blocking in the way of their happiness.

Yu-ri is familiar with such ghostly phenomenon but Jo-gu is simply terrified. He then starts feeling that his life is now threatened. Despite the spine-chilling stumbling blocks, Yu-ri and Jo-gu cannot give up on their love and put up the fight of their lives to keep it.”

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movies.. the getaway moments.. the stress-reliver.. during happy times. during bad times. during bored times. during strssed times.  the thing that i always wanna do whenever i feel stressed. whenever i felt like i didnt have much of a life anymore. something that i always enjoy. today is another of such day when i felt that i needa catch a movie badly. it was pretty simple to choose one as there were many i wanted to catch. thankfully, i managed to catch seo for it 🙂

the movie was pretty good. though it wasnt as fantastic as i thought it’s be. so most probably a 3/5.

DANCING. dance dance dance away…

and in this movie, we saw the fusion of B Boys Street Dance and Salsa Latin Dance. A pretty interesting mix. and i suddenly feel like picking back salsa all over again. on top of my current interest in korean hip hop dances. 


{2012/03/31}   TP GRC YEC Teambuilding

My team mates for the paintball teambuilding! 

Paintball was much more fun than I thought it’d be, especially after much warning abt it being a terribly painful game which i blur-ly agreed to go for. Indeed, the bruise that i got on my arm was painful but.. No regrets gg for it 🙂

went for a drink @ HV after the BBQ after the paintball. cant believe how these guys made me drink! bully mmeeee! 😦

but i’m sure looking forward to hanging out with them more in the future. they are sure a joyful and enthusiastic bunch of ppl 🙂

{2012/03/30}   Impromptu K Session

That was really impromptu! Haha! Thanks PH for the free KTV session at Temasek Club! 

It was defo a good one after so many months! I miss K-ing!! 

{2012/03/27}   Powerpuff girls at work

my new nickname at office is Bubbles. I dont know how i got it. All thanks to Buttercup. 

now, where is Blossom? LOL.

{2012/03/25}   Community Lunch

me and my crazy ideas. even got the advisor to lie down on the floor to take photo with us. what did i just do? LOL. (see photo)

but i’m really glad everything turned out well! 🙂

Thank you Mrs Gopal for believing in us. Thank you QTSS Wushu Club for the performance and help during the lunch! 🙂 

Last but not least, my dearest QT YEC team who are always there! You guys believe in me when I didn’t and supported me throughout. Thank you for supporting me for the past few months ever since i was made the chairperson. Thank you for helping me out with all the events and stuff!  YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST AND THE MOST AWESOME!! 🙂 i really heart all of you!

QT YEC with Dr Chia after the event

et cetera