Dream a Lil' Dream of Me

{2011/10/10}   Real Steel


First time to Shaw Cinema at Lido. The place looks gorgeous after the renovation! and we caught this late night movie: 

This is awesome! totally awesome! very very well filmed. 

It’s not just the actions. it’s the emotions you can feel from the movie. the purity and innocence of a child. the yearning. it teaches to fight for your believes. it teaches to not give up easily. it teaches to treasure what you have. 

Thanks YM, SC and HN for catching it with me 🙂 

On a side note, i doubt i’ll ever patronize Medz again. Marche is still much better. 

Quote from Steve Jobs

i was in the train on my way to work when i read the piece of news that announced that Steve Job has passed away yesterday, it came as a shock. i knew he was battling with cancer. his cancer had recurred. but the news still came too sudden. i felt my eyes misting. i do not know him personally and i cldnt explain my sudden surge of emotions. i just knew i felt sad. felt sorry. at the age of 56, he shld be enjoying retirement soon. basking from the sales from his APPLE products. especially with the newly launched iphone 4S the day before. what will happen to the APPLE market now?

my years of studies in RMIT doing my business degree, i’ve learnt much abt him. much abt his creativity. much of the strategies that he had used to market APPLE products. he was really brilliant. a visionary and a genius said by many others. in almost all of the 6 semesters of school for my business course, i have either him or APPLE Inc in my notes, textbooks, references, assignments for at least 1 module per semester. one strategic management he used is the blue ocean tactic. (ok i shan’t go into the books). 

i have grown to respect him. to admire him. Mr Steve Jobs, may you rest in peace. 

Below is a video clip of him speaking at Stanford Commencement in 2005. where he speaks of death.

“If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you’ll most certainly be right.”  and yeah, the quote is damn right. no one can ever escape from the same phenomenon. not even the genius who has created so many wonderful products with the technology advancement. i have met a girl who was next to me in the hospital in the same ward last year. i just had my operation and she was there because of her headache from brain cancer. she was blind then. but that was also caused by the cancer. she was the same age as me. looking at her, i’ve considered myself to be relatively luckier. at least the tumor they found was non-cancerous. a simple surgery could have cured me. but who wld have guess? it wasnt cleanly removed. but at least, i am still kicking and alive. she was not as fortunate. the last i heard, she had passed away. death has robbed another young life away. it does not match Job’s quote of clearing out the old. Jobs ain’t very old either. why him? do all geniuses die young?  

Quoting from him, “No one wants to die. Even people who wants to go to heaven don’t want to die to get there. and yet, death is a destination on one has ever escaped. and that is as it shld be. cos death is the single best invention of life becuz it clears out the old and make way for the new. So have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. they somehow alr know what you truly wants to become. the rest are secondary.” 

my heart tells me teaching is the career for me. but why moe no want me? 😦 with my condition like this, will i have the chance to do what i want to do? i am afraid too. where one day, death comes to take me away. given’s life unpredictability, i dont even dare t think abt it. pls, pls, let me live heathily. let me be able to fulfil whatever i need to fulfil. hopefully, my heart and intuition will guide the way cuz i really have no idea now. at times, i feel really lost.

but nonetheless, i will take his piece of advice. 

{2011/10/03}   love-hate relationship

love-hate r/s with mosquitoes

yeah. it’s love-hate relationship with… MOSQUITOES! 

they love me. i hate them. period. not that i am diabetic. but they still suck my blood. blood suckers, go find another prey. 

hvt seen or catch up for xiao yun for abt a year. after the notification that she has xms, we started msg-ing each other again and arranged to meet up today (after the missed meet up 2 weeks back). refreshed our JC days and realised both of us didnt like our class. no fantastic memory of our class. i rmb i hated some people. till date, whenever i hear the name, i’ll still roll my eyes and snort. but certain things do remains memorable.

i rmb i was mr fong’s “fave” student becuz i was really lousy at physics. he nv fail to pick me to ans questions, which, i hardly get correct. but he was patient enough to coach me through. always look for him and ms faizah during the study period for extra coaching. was really happy when i got an ‘A’ for math during my ‘A’s. the rest of the subjects were disappointing. nonetheless, my physics did improve. i no longer fail the subject (as i have been doing for the entire past 2 years). 

i rmb studying for exams in the LTs and the classrooms. we’ll blast songs from our mp3 players on the loudspeakers. those were the school days that i dearly miss.

we caught up on what we had missed out in each other life so far. have to say that alot of things sure have changed while some nv change at all.

time really flies. i am pretty tired of what is going on right now. with all the politics that is happening. and many ppl telling me different version of stories. people bad-mouthing people. have lost some trust along the way. i still feel pretty upset whenever i think abt it and i shld have got over it but somehow, i still cant. torturing.  and now i’m stuck. with 2 positions in 2 organisation that requires me to lead. i used to love gg for YEC. it was fun. it was enjoyable. the people there are like so funny. now, i have to think twice abt it. the only thing that is pulling me through is the children in the program that we are doing for them. i just want to play a part in making a difference to the lives of these children. i dont need all these position or name or recognition. people congratulate me as if it is a very good thing. and i have to force on a smile and say thanks. there are many a time that i want to give up the position, many a times when i want to find a job that requires me to work abroad. so that i can run away from all these. let somebody else take over. then i thought of the people who had so much faith in me. then i tell myself i wld be letting them down if i just quit. just thinking about these things give me terrible headache. 

With Fion @ 爱琴海。民歌餐厅

went to support Fion at her 2nd audition. she sings really well. let’s all cross our fingers and wish her all the best!

{2011/09/30}   work grouses

i hate it when boss says “whatever” when i try to tell him something. period. totally irks me.

with the gorgeous bride

the gorgeous bride!

went for cara’s wedding with wuan at furama riverfront. it is not the most convenient place to go but the food is good. think it is the best wedding i have attended so far. both the bride and groom are gorgeous! the video clips are funny! and the groom is even so sweet to create a video for her and she was so touched that she cried. feel so happy for her and she look really 幸福!Cara, if you happen to be reading this, 祝你们 永结同心,白头偕老,要永远幸福 喔!还有,快点生几个可爱的小孩!我可以跟他们玩!:)

{2011/09/28}   doctor visit

the comic strip is kind of funny and not funny.

Went back for my quarterly check up at KTPH with Prof Raja. He gave me 2 pieces of news:-

  1. he met a dr from korea, seoul, and from the results observed, she is very good with cushing patients. so if need, i can fly there for surgery. i said, “i don’t mind gg for holiday instead though”. my thoughts were, “it’s gg to cost me a bomb! at the rate i’m getting my pay, forget it”
  2. relating to the comic strip above, there is a new mtd of treating – by injection. it’s not a one-time off. it’s MONTHLY! and it cost approx $3.5k per jab. cost > monthly pay. fantastic. anw, it’s new so he need to apply trial for me. then everything will be FREE. in other words, i’ll be a guinea pig or lab rat.
To clear the air, i don’t don’t like Prof. He’s a amazing doctor. Together with Dr Loh LM (from SGH), i think they are the most wonderful doctors i’ve ever met.
Prof told the MOs who were there that i am a workaholic. i went =.= and wondered where he even get the idea from. and i thought it must be from the fully-packed-with-schedule organiser he saw previously. he even told them abt the book that i am gg to write (or rather, suppose to write) of my experience with this disease. ohmygawd de faint. he is really serious abt it! looks like i really need to start writing alr.

{2011/09/27}   sweets

they nv fail to make me smile

This is how i feel whenever i return to Project STOMP

I hvt been back for a few weeks because i need to work. The way they greet me the minute i step into the class makes me feel very 幸福。Feel really blessed to have this class of students who nv fail to make me smile. They make me feel Hakuna Matata – like i wont have worries for the rest of the day

this reminds me. i hvt watch lion king yet!! anyone want to watch with me?!!?!! 

{2011/09/27}   过期了的 post

i smile becuz sunday turn out well

其实,ZY 的人还不错。虽然气在前头,但已经不觉得他还有那么讨人厌了。

那天的 KidsRead 也挺有趣的。班上的小朋友都玩得不亦乐乎!“有金” 对那些小朋友还挺有办法的!照我看,那些小瓜只需要有得跑来跑去就满足了!哈哈!

et cetera